Diamond Version 5 Function History
The table below gives you a summary of the functions that are new in Diamond version 5.0 or higher.
The last column in the table defines the version number 5.x.y when the function was introduced
or the version number where the function is announed for, rsp.
Exploration view for a highly intuitive studying of bonding spheres and contact/H-bond spheres. |
5.0 |
"Take Picture" (to drop a structure picture and continue working with the current one) and "Continue With New Picture". |
5.0 |
Caption bar showing document, structure, and picture title as well as titles of more pictures. |
5.0 |
"More Pictures" docking window showing thumbnails of (others but the current) picture. |
5.0 |
Updated version of the crystal structure database COD ("Crystallography Open Database") including
(amongst others)
AMCSD ("American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database")
as well as CIF files from the
IUCr journals.
5.0 |
DPI awareness supporting high-DPI devices. |
5.0 |
"File/Import" and "File/Export" commands. |
5.0 |
"Take Image" (Tools menu) to take a snapshot image into the image buffer for later saving or creation of a video sequence. |
5.0 |