Diamond structure pictures are generally created to be finally used in some
other software, like a word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word) or a presentation
program (e.g. PowerPoint). The fastest and also most obvious way to transfer a
Diamond structure picture e.g. to Microsoft Word is to copy the structure
picture in Diamond into the Windows clipboard and to paste it into Word
afterwards. Please follow these steps:
In Diamond, please display the structure picture, and make sure that no objects
are currently selected inside.
Select the "Copy" command from the "Edit" menu.
In Word, move the cursor to the point at which you would like to insert the
structure picture.
Select the "Paste Special..." command from the "Edit" menu.
In the dialog which is opened, please select "Bitmap" for "Paste as", then
press "OK".
The structure picture as it is currently present in Diamond will be copied into
your Word (or PowerPoint) document.
Note: If you follow this prescription, the resolution of the picture in
the Word document will be poor, since it is equivalent to the screen resolution
(which is 96 dpi (dots per inch) in most cases). If you would like to learn how
to insert pictures of higher quality in Word or other programs, please
click here.