In order to obtain the best possible result when printing a Diamond structure
picture, please follow these instructions:
Display the structure picture if it is currenty not visible (e.g. by selecting
the corresponding structure picture from the "View/Structure Picture" submenu).
Make sure that the "Automatic Adjustment" option is active (e.g. in the
corresponding dialog which can be opened by selecting the "Adjust..." command
from the "Picture" menu).
Select the "Layout..." command from the "Picture" menu in order to open the
corresponding dialog.
On the "Target" page of the "Layout" dialog, select "Printout page" as the
picture's target.
Enter the size of the picture (width/height), either in "Unit" cm or inch. If
you want the picture to cover the whole page and are not sure about the paper
size used for printing, you can press the "Setup Page..." button, select the
paper size in the dialog which opens, and close the "Setup page" dialog by
pressing "OK". The paper size values will be copied to the input fields "Width"
and "Heigth".
On the "Background" page of the "Layout" dialog, please select if you would
like to use a white background for printing (option "Use black-on-white mode
for printing") (which is generally recommended).
Close the "Layout" dialog by pressing "OK".
Select the "Print Setup..." command, and select the printer you would like to
use. Adjust the printer's settings (e.g. quality) if necessary, then press
In the "File" menu, select the "Print Preview" command, and check if the print
preview which is displayed is equivalent to what you expect. Afterwards, press
the "Print..." button at the top of the preview, and start the actual printing
by pressing the "OK" button in the "Print" dialog which is opened. The picture
will now be printed.
Finally, you may want to return to the default "Window" layout: Open the
"Layout..." dialog from the "Picture" menu, select "Window" on the "Target"
page. Make sure that the "Use black-on-white mode for drawing on screen/into
bitmap" option is deactivated, and press "OK".