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Diamond: How To Create PostScript Files

Diamond has no special PostScript export function. If you would like to create a PostScript file, you have to use a PostScript printer driver (even if you do not have a PostScript printer) and print to a file. If your current printer driver does not support PostScript printing, check for the latest original PostScript printer driver on Adobe's website. This driver creates black-and-white PostScript files. If you would like to create colored PostScript files, you should use a printer driver from a color PostScript printer (e.g. HP Color LaserJet 9500).

Once an appropriate PostScript printer driver has been installed, the procedure is rather similar to the one for printing a high-quality picture:

  • Display the structure picture if it is currenty not visible (e.g. by selecting the corresponding structure picture from the "View/Structure Picture" submenu).
  • Make sure that the "Automatic Adjustment" option is active (e.g. in the corresponding dialog which can be opened by selecting the "Adjust..." command from the "Picture" menu).
  • Select the "Layout..." command from the "Picture" menu in order to open the corresponding dialog.
  • On the "Target" page of the "Layout" dialog, select "Printout page" as the picture's target.
  • Enter the size of the picture (width/height), either in "Unit" cm or inch. If you want the picture to cover the whole page and are not sure about the size of the paper, you can press the "Setup Page..." button, select the paper size in the dialog which opens, and close the "Setup page" dialog by pressing "OK". The paper size values will be copied to the input fields "Width" and "Heigth".
  • On the "Background" page of the "Layout" dialog, please select if you would like to use a white background for printing (option "Use black-on-white mode for printing").
  • Close the "Layout" dialog by pressing "OK".
  • Select the "Print Setup..." command, and select the PostScript printer (driver) you would like to use. Adjust the printer's settings (e.g. quality) if necessary, then press "OK".
  • In the "File" menu, select the "Print Preview" command, and check if the print preview which is displayed is equivalent to what you expect. Afterwards, press the "Print..." button at the top of the preview.
  • In the "Print" dialog which opens, please mark the checkbox "Print to file", then press the "OK" button.
  • You will be asked to enter a filename for the PostScript file to be created. Please select "All Files (*.*)" as "File Type" at the bottom of the dialog, then select the destination directory, and enter the name of the file including the file extension ".ps" (e.g. "").
  • Finally, press "Save". The picture will now be "printed" to the file (the PostScript file will be created).
  • If you would like to return to the default "Window" layout after the creation of the PostScript file, open the "Layout..." dialog from the "Picture" menu, select "Window" on the "Target" page. Make sure that the "Use black-on-white mode for drawing on screen/into bitmap" option is deactivated, and press "OK".

You can use e.g. GhostView to view the PostScript file once it has been created.